Georgia Muslim Voter Project v. Kemp

In October 2018, the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia (ACLU of Georgia) filed a lawsuit on behalf of Georgia Muslim Voter Project and Advancing Justice-Atlanta to protect Georgia voters who had their absentee ballots or absentee ballot applications rejected due to an alleged “signature mismatch.”

Under Georgia law, county elections officials are required to reject absentee ballots with signatures that do not appear to match the signature the county has on file. The voter was not provided notice before their ballot was rejected or an opportunity to fix the problem.

The lawsuit claimed that rejecting absentee ballots without giving voters an opportunity to fix signature issues is unconstitutional. The lawsuit resulted in a preliminary injunction that ordered election officials to give voters an opportunity to fix a signature mismatch issue before rejecting their absentee ballots in the November 6, 2018 general election. 

October 16, 2018


Voting Rights, Absentee Ballot, Signature Mismatch, Procedural Due Process

News & Press Releases


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