Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta

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Advancing Justice-Atlanta outraged by the lack of transparency by the Georgia State Legislature

February 18, 2021

James C. Woo
404.585.8446 x 104

Atlanta, GA — Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta is beyond disappointed that today a 48-page omnibus bill, taking direct aim at voting rights of Georgia’s AAPI voters and communities of color, was introduced and heard in committee. With less than two hours between unofficial notice of House Bill 531 (HB 531) and its hearing in the Special Election Integrity Committee, voters were left with no opportunity to fully read the bill or make an informed testimony. As of ten minutes before the hearing, the body of the bill was still not made fully available to the public. Even when risking our lives to testify in person, the community has been repeatedly shut out. This is a catastrophic blindside, potentially with an equally catastrophic impact.

“Though we’ve seen repeated attempts to undo the hard work of organizations like ours to increase voter turnout in communities of color, this one is one of the most egregious,” said LaVita Tuff, Policy Director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta, “Every week, elected officials make it nearly impossible for Georgia residents to consistently provide virtual testimony, attend in person due to COVID-19, or get a copy of the legislation in time for a hearing. Today's actions are beyond unethical and violate the very essence of civic engagement.”

In 2020, Georgia voters showed up to the polls and did what needed to be done. Any attempt to undo what was lawfully done is a direct threat to the future of our democracy. We demand that the Speaker of the House take the necessary steps to permit consistent virtual public comment and testimony and provide more reasonable notice and transparent process before the hearing of a bill.

The voting rights of AAPI voters and communities of color, should not be put in jeopardy during a global pandemic because we are unable to sit in the golden dome to learn of what will happen next while risking our lives. Actions like these capitalize off of a global pandemic that has killed almost 16,000 Georgians to help further an agenda, and it puts us all at risk for more than just COVID-19. It’s a 2021 version of Jim Crow remixed.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta is the first nonprofit legal advocacy organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander (AANHPI) and Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities in Georgia and the Southeast. For more information about Advancing Justice-Atlanta, visit