Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta

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Foundation Food Workers Are Fearful of Retaliation Based on Immigration Status and their Cooperation with Federal Investigators

J.Larry Stine

Wimberly Lawson Steckel Schneider & Stine PC

Counsel for Foundation Food Group, Inc.

3400 Peachtree Road, Suite 400

Atlanta, GA 30326


Dane Steffenson 

Littler Mendelson 

Counsel for Foundation Food Group, Inc. 

3424 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1200 

Atlanta, GA 30326 


Bobby L. Christine 

Acting U.S. Attorney, Northern District of Georgia 

The U.S. Attorney’s Office 

Richard B. Russell Federal Building 

75 Ted Turner Dr. SW, Suite 600 

Atlanta, GA 30303-3309 

Antoine Robinson, Area Director 

Atlanta East Area Office 

Occupational Safety and Health Administration 

U.S. Department of Labor 

2296 Henderson Mill Road, NE, Suite 200 

Atlanta, GA 30345 


Katherine A. Lemos 

Chemical Safety Board Chairman and CEO 

Occupational Safety and Health Administration 

1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 910 | Washington, DC 20006 


Thomas Giles, Atlanta Field Director 

Office of Enforcement & Removal Operations 

U.S. Department of Homeland Security 

180 Ted Turner Dr. SW, Suite 522 

Atlanta, GA 30303


The undersigned represent the Georgia Immigrant Rights Alliance and our allies from worker rights, immigrant rights, and civil rights organizations from across our state and the country. We are heartbroken and deeply concerned as the aftermath of the fatal liquid nitrogen leak unfolds. On Thursday, January 28, 2021, at the Foundation Food Group’s (“Foundation Food”) poultry processing plant (the “Plant”) in Gainesville, Georgia, formerly known as Prime Pak Foods, six workers lost their lives after being poisoned by toxic levels of liquid nitrogen. Our community stands with the families of the victims, the survivors, and their loved ones to seek justice.

We stand ready to assist the agencies involved in conducting a comprehensive investigation to bring safety and justice to the individuals harmed by the deadly and hazardous release of liquid nitrogen gas. To Foundation Food, we urge your timely cooperation and transparency with all investigations and remind you of your statutory and regulatory obligations to create a workplace free from retaliation, harassment, intimidation, and workplace hazards. To the workers, our organizations and allies are monitoring this situation closely and organizing mutual aid and support to the families affected. If you or your family has been impacted by this emergency, please call 678-532-8418.