Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta

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Advancing Justice-Atlanta denounces Governor Kemp’s signing of discriminatory Law


May 3, 2024

James Woo, Advancing Justice-Atlanta,

Atlanta, GA - Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta (Advancing Justice-Atlanta) expresses deep disappointment with Governor Kemp's decision to sign SB 420 into law despite collective community efforts and advocacy, this discriminatory legislation will now become a reality, posing significant threats to the Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) and immigrant communities in Georgia.

SB 420 represents a grave concern for our organization and the communities we serve. The bill, which targets individuals and businesses of certain national origins, risks perpetuating harmful stereotypes and hindering free trade and property rights. The passage of SB 420 into law signifies a step backward for Georgia, mirroring discriminatory policies of the past that have long plagued marginalized communities.

“We are deeply disappointed that the Governor has signed SB 420 into Georgia law. We believe that strengthening the economy in Georgia’s rural, suburban, and urban communities includes respecting the rights of immigrant business-owners. In time, we will see that this bill preempts federal law, and violates people’s constitutional protections. Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta will advocate for anyone who is injured by the enactment of SB 420.” said Thông Phan, Senior Policy Associate.

The signing of SB 420 into law sends a troubling message about Georgia's commitment to equality, fairness, and inclusivity. It is disheartening to see our state leaders prioritize discriminatory measures over the principles of justice and equity. We stand firm in our belief that Georgia should be a welcoming and inclusive place for all its residents, regardless of their ethnicity or national origin. 

We urge Governor Kemp and state legislators to reconsider their stance, prioritizing equality, fairness, and inclusivity in state policies.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI), and other marginalized communities in Georgia and the Southeast